The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.-Article 1, Section 2 of the United States Constitution
Not all geographies have FIPS codes, e.g. Legislative Districts
GNIS (from USGS) often cross referenced
Hierarchical, fixed-size segments
Elements at the same level in the hierarchy have different lengths, which can't be obtained by adding parts from lower down in the hierarchy
UnSD: 4219170
VtD : 420035880
CouSub: 4200361000
Tract: 42003010300
Decennial Census | American Community Survey |
Once every 10 years | 1yr- and 5yr- Averages |
Enumeration | Sampled |
Basic Demographics | Detailed Demographics |
Block Level | Often Tract Level |
"Short Form" | "Long Form" |
Should always compare the Same Survey!
Per state can be in the 10s of GBs
"Geoheader" is a fixed-width format
Data files are CSV with no header
Data dictionary can be used to build field names and convert short, cryptic ids to English (P016D003 -> Population in Households by Age (Asian Alone Householder) > Total > 18 years and over)
Geographies are Shape Files since 2007
Couple repos to create schemas, download data, and import the data
With proper indices, even complex queries are very fast