James Salvatore Keener

Skills (No particular order)


  1. Software Engineer
    Oct. 2020 - Current
    Creativity.inc (Parent of Missouri Star)
    Hamilton, MO (Remote)
    • Created tooling to manage applications in docker locally and in a Kubernetes cluster.
    • Coördinated reporting between multiple subsidiaries, including Missouri Star Quilt Co.
    • Built a datawarehouse and ETL tools.
    • Generated multiple libraries and databases from API definitions.
    • Interfaced with shipping carriers to import package tracking information.
    • Created services to interface with Shopify and other vendors using Laravel.
    • Provided production support for many services.
    • Interpreted problem reports quickly, turning reported symptoms into root-causes and proper solutions
    • Spent time shadowing different processes to better understand and predict problems
    • Optimized SQL queries for reporting (OLAP) and application (OLTP) use
    • Centralized logging and metrics in order to build queries, dashboards, and alerts
    • Coordinated with multiple teams to create end results that solve business problems
    • Aided in defining the future architecture of applications
  2. Software Engineer
    Feb. 2020 - Sept. 2020
    Pittsburgh, PA
    • Designed and built multiple Go microservices utilizing PostgreSQL and Google Cloud PubSub.
    • Improved database queries and data processing in a Ruby-on-Rails and PotgreSQL application.
    • Extended a FastAPI-based Python and PostgreSQL application.
  3. Software Engineer
    Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2020
    Missouri Star Quilt Company
    Hamilton, MO (Remote)
    • Improved site search relevancy and indexing speed
    • Helped define GDPR and PCI compliance tasks after reading the relevant standards
    • Worked with vendors to resolve issues in a timely manner
    • Worked on updating and expanding Laravel 4 and 5 PHP applications.
    • Customized a Point-of-Sale system based on F/OSS to interface with existing databases and storage.
    • Aggressively added promotion-aware caching to the ecommerce site
    • Designed and implemented AWS-based infrastructure deployed via CloudFormation
    • Built keyboard-driven Vue.js-based single-page applications for internal use
  4. Software Engineer / Data Architect
    May. 2015 - Jan. 2017
    Pittsburgh, PA
    • Taught clients how to write and conceive SQL queries through one-on-one consultations
    • Acted as a technical resource for coworkers and clients
    • Mentored new employees
    • Coordinated and taught educational lecture series for coworkers
    • Generated complex analytics SQL queries for Google BigQuery to tease out answers to client questions
    • Converted event streams into structured data using Google Cloud DataFlow/Apache Beam (Java)
    • Presented results of machine learning in non-technical document
    • Performed Machine Learning to understand customer behavior with R, Python, and SQL
    • Designed and built Java-based Google AppEngine apps for internal use


  1. Master of Science in Civil Engineering
    Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2014
    University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Program: Transportation Engineering
    Interests: Planning, ITS, & Alternate Transportation
  2. Bachelor of Science
    Aug. 2004 - Dec. 2008
    University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Majors: Mathematics & Molecular Biology
    Minors: Computer Science & Chemistry

Volunteer Work

  1. Member (Past President)
    Sept. 2014 - Present
  2. Member, Cartographer, and Data Analyst
    Aug. 2014 - Present
  3. Volunteer Coach
    Aug. 2021 - Jan. 2023
    Mt. Lebanon Township
    Mt. Lebanon, PA
    Pre-K, K, and 1st grade soccer, and 1st grade basketball